These fruit were seen on some Maluma trees. However this has also been seen on Hass fruit. Does anyone have an idea what this might be? We reckon this might be insect or boron deficiency.
I believe this is damage to the skin at an early stage of fruit development – some insect or mechanical damage. I would like to believe that it is not related to Boron deficiency. It can however not harm to take leaf analysis to eliminate the possibility thereof. Please keep us updated on the outcome
En la sierra peruana, para ser exacto en el valle interandino de la región de Ayacucho, donde se produce palta de las variedades hass y fuerte, se presenta ese problema. haciendole un seguimiento, se vio que frutos con daños por insectos como el trips son los más afectado y un Docente de la Universidad de Ayacucho determino ser un hongo, si mal no recuerdo del genero Sphalocema. Por esos lugares le llamamos “la Sarna del palto” y como medida preventiva recomendamos el MIP del trip.
Google translation :
In the Peruvian Andes, to be exact in the Andean valley of the Ayacucho region, which produces Hass avocado varieties and strong, this problem is presented. doing a follow-up, was that fruits with damage by insects such as thrips are the most affected and a Professor at the University of Ayacucho determined to be a fungus, if I remember the genre Sphalocema. In those places we call “the avocado scab” and recommend preventive IPM trip.
Andre Ernst
I believe this is damage to the skin at an early stage of fruit development – some insect or mechanical damage. I would like to believe that it is not related to Boron deficiency. It can however not harm to take leaf analysis to eliminate the possibility thereof. Please keep us updated on the outcome
Wilfredo Huarcaya
En la sierra peruana, para ser exacto en el valle interandino de la región de Ayacucho, donde se produce palta de las variedades hass y fuerte, se presenta ese problema. haciendole un seguimiento, se vio que frutos con daños por insectos como el trips son los más afectado y un Docente de la Universidad de Ayacucho determino ser un hongo, si mal no recuerdo del genero Sphalocema. Por esos lugares le llamamos “la Sarna del palto” y como medida preventiva recomendamos el MIP del trip.
Google translation :
In the Peruvian Andes, to be exact in the Andean valley of the Ayacucho region, which produces Hass avocado varieties and strong, this problem is presented. doing a follow-up, was that fruits with damage by insects such as thrips are the most affected and a Professor at the University of Ayacucho determined to be a fungus, if I remember the genre Sphalocema. In those places we call “the avocado scab” and recommend preventive IPM trip.