About the Maluma Cultivar
Maluma is in most regards a very easy cultivar for the farmer to manage. Maluma lends itself well to many different cultivation practices, methods and theories. Maluma needs no more attention in respects to cultivation than any other cultivar, and is no more sophisticated. This cultivar is in most respects even less complicated than Hass and Fuerte with respects to spraying and pruning. Even though Maluma is a “hass-type” it cannot be snap picked as with Hass.
The key success factors for this cultivar includes the following:
* Maluma fruit colours more consistently and beautifully, when ripened, than Hass and also ripens more consistently.* Maluma’s flesh to stone ratio is also very favourable.
* At the same moisture content than Hass, Maluma’s Oil content is higher.
* Less susceptible to lenticel damage
* Maluma is magnificent in Ripe & Ready programs
* Maluma seems to be more cold tolerant during the cold-chain than other Cultivars
* Fruit have a natural gloss
* Fruit production tend to peak on larger sizes compared to Hass
* Fruit skin is more rough and pebbly than South African Hass
Productivity & Returns
Maluma outperforms most cultivars on annual as well as cumulative production and returns. The graph above is based on an average climate and production site on the farm Humor, Tzaneen South Africa (coordinates: 23°44’32’’S 30°11’01’’E).

Key Cultivation Issues are:
* High density plantings are possible and suggested* Pruning by machine or hand is recommended
* No growth retardants are needed
* 1 Copper spray per year for Anthracnose control
* Picking should preferably be managed carefully to ensure top quality.
Up to date no orchard cold damage has been recorded on Maluma fruit, even in the same low lying areas where Hass orchards close by were affected.
Contrary to the belief of many farmers and entities Maluma has been marketed successfully since 2006.Maluma has many marketing advantages. Within most markets there currently exists a gap that this cultivar can serve. No other variety has proven to be a threat to Maluma on global markets yet. In fact quite the opposite. Certain European importers have indicated that they would be most happy if they received only Maluma.
Initially some problems arose and it seemed as if a major problem with this cultivar was that it ripened too fast and caused “soft-landings”. Afrupro Exporters have however carefully managed and adjusted their recipe to suit this cultivar and through the use of Smartfresh and/or careful cold-chain management soft landings are something of the past.
During the 2010/11 season Afrupro farmers were instructed to pick fruit and to send it to the pack house in regular intervals to ensure that Maluma fruit gets packed as quickly as possible to cool the fruit down quickly and to slow down the respiration process. This had a significant effect and it was most definitely the start of the most successful years of Maluma marketing with respect to quality.
All that has been learned to ensure perfect arrivals of Maluma on the market is included in the Maluma Protocols, which can be found published on this website and is updated as new information becomes available.